"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where the goalpost are" -Arnold H. Glasgow
I agree with Arnold Glasgow's statement. You have to have a goal that you are striving to reach for. In sports there is always an spot you are trying to get the object to. This is your goal for the entire game and you don't give up until the final whistle blows. In life, this is the same situation. You can either have long term or short term goals. Your short term goals are just small goals you are taking to reach your long term goal. An example of a long term goal is, "I want to have a total of 15 goals by the end of the season." An example of a short term goal that will help you achieve your long term goal is, "I will score a goal every game."
I agree with Arnold Glasgow's statement. You have to have a goal that you are striving to reach for. In sports there is always an spot you are trying to get the object to. This is your goal for the entire game and you don't give up until the final whistle blows. In life, this is the same situation. You can either have long term or short term goals. Your short term goals are just small goals you are taking to reach your long term goal. An example of a long term goal is, "I want to have a total of 15 goals by the end of the season." An example of a short term goal that will help you achieve your long term goal is, "I will score a goal every game."

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