"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all." -Benjamin Franklin
I agree with Benjamin Franklin's statement. Without a good heart you can't do anything right. If you have a right heart you have good intentions of doing the right thing. For example, on an episode of 2020 there was a 15 year old boy that won the state wrestling championship for his dad that has a non curable cancer. He just wanted everyone to forget for a moment and especially for his dad to forget about his cancer. So, he worked hard everyday freshman year of high school by going to the gym and doing weights. His hard work payed off because he not only won all his games but, he won the state championship. His dad was proud of him and he knew that he wouldn't have been able to do it if he didn't have good intentions and a right heart.

I agree with Benjamin Franklin's statement. Without a good heart you can't do anything right. If you have a right heart you have good intentions of doing the right thing. For example, on an episode of 2020 there was a 15 year old boy that won the state wrestling championship for his dad that has a non curable cancer. He just wanted everyone to forget for a moment and especially for his dad to forget about his cancer. So, he worked hard everyday freshman year of high school by going to the gym and doing weights. His hard work payed off because he not only won all his games but, he won the state championship. His dad was proud of him and he knew that he wouldn't have been able to do it if he didn't have good intentions and a right heart.

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