"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."-George Mitchell
I agree with George Mitchell's statement. I don't think this quote only relates to cheating in sports, but also in school and in life. No matter what you cheat on you will always feel guilty. You might be happy at the moment when you get a good result, but in the long run it effects you. An example of cheating in school and feeling guilty is cheating on a test. You might looked over some ones paper that always gets good scores and copy them and when you get your test back you get a good score and it brings you joy at first. But, later on you start to feel guilty because you didn't work hard to receive that grade, the person you copied off did.

I agree with George Mitchell's statement. I don't think this quote only relates to cheating in sports, but also in school and in life. No matter what you cheat on you will always feel guilty. You might be happy at the moment when you get a good result, but in the long run it effects you. An example of cheating in school and feeling guilty is cheating on a test. You might looked over some ones paper that always gets good scores and copy them and when you get your test back you get a good score and it brings you joy at first. But, later on you start to feel guilty because you didn't work hard to receive that grade, the person you copied off did.

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