"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."- Henry David Thoreau
I agree with Thoreau's statement because if you are kind and good you will feel good. I think by investment he means that you should spend your time to be nice, to really show someone you care. The point of being good is to help others and brighten up their day. If you are kind and good you will never fail. You will never fail because you will feel good about the good deed you have done. An example of doing something good is giving out cookies, cupcakes, or roses. You can go to any location, such as a police department to show them that we do recongnize their work.
I agree with Thoreau's statement because if you are kind and good you will feel good. I think by investment he means that you should spend your time to be nice, to really show someone you care. The point of being good is to help others and brighten up their day. If you are kind and good you will never fail. You will never fail because you will feel good about the good deed you have done. An example of doing something good is giving out cookies, cupcakes, or roses. You can go to any location, such as a police department to show them that we do recongnize their work.

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