"The most important thing you will ever have is good values." -Dennis Prager
I agree with Dennis Prager's statement because if you have good values you will be a CTR person. Also, without good values you wouldn't be able to have much love and happiness. Some examples of good values is to give others respect and being honest. An example of having good values is not cheating on a test. Sometimes we are not prepared for a test because we did not study the night before, so when we receive the test we start to panic. We think about cheating and looking at our partners test because it will prevent us from not getting an F, but then we remember about our good values and decide not to cheat and be honest about the mistake you made of not studying.
I agree with Dennis Prager's statement because if you have good values you will be a CTR person. Also, without good values you wouldn't be able to have much love and happiness. Some examples of good values is to give others respect and being honest. An example of having good values is not cheating on a test. Sometimes we are not prepared for a test because we did not study the night before, so when we receive the test we start to panic. We think about cheating and looking at our partners test because it will prevent us from not getting an F, but then we remember about our good values and decide not to cheat and be honest about the mistake you made of not studying.

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